SOLVD BLOG Promoting Equality Through Community Action

At, we believe that true equality stems from equal access to opportunities. Our commitment to social responsibility goes beyond our workplace—it extends into our communities, where we strive to level the playing field and create pathways for success for all. Today, we’re excited to share how our community initiatives are fostering equality and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

Pledge 1%: Investing in Equal Opportunities is proud to be part of the Salesforce Pledge 1% initiative, committing 1% of our revenue to support nonprofit organizations and community development projects. This pledge allows us to:

  1. Invest in programs that promote equal access to education and resources
  2. Support initiatives that break down barriers to employment and economic advancement
  3. Contribute to environmental sustainability, ensuring a healthier future for all communities

By participating in Pledge 1%, we’re not just donating funds—we’re investing in a more equitable future where everyone has the chance to thrive.

SOLVD's Season of Giving: Equalizing Opportunities During the Holidays

Our annual “Season of Giving” initiative is more than just a charity drive—it’s a concerted effort to promote equality by ensuring that all families in our community can experience the joy and warmth of the holiday season, regardless of their economic circumstances.

How We're Leveling the Playing Field
  1. Targeted Support: We work with local school districts to identify families facing the greatest economic challenges, ensuring our help reaches those who need it most.
  2. Individualized Approach: By asking parents about their children’s specific needs and interests, we ensure that each child receives gifts that are both practical and personally meaningful, promoting a sense of dignity and individuality.
  3. Comprehensive Assistance: We provide essential items like jackets and shoes, addressing basic needs that can be barriers to education and social participation. Additionally, we include fun gifts to ensure every child can fully participate in holiday traditions.
  4. Community Building: Our “Jolly Jamboree” event brings families together, fostering a sense of community and shared experience, regardless of economic background.
The Jolly Jamboree: Creating Equal Experiences

The Jolly Jamboree embodies our commitment to equality by providing all attendees with:

  • A warm, festive meal that everyone can enjoy together
  • Inclusive activities like holiday crafts and cookie decorating
  • A welcoming environment where all families are treated with equal respect and consideration
Measurable Impact on Equality

Our efforts have made a significant difference in promoting equal opportunities:

  • Over 3,538 children provided with essential items and gifts, leveling the playing field during the holiday season
  • More than 1,056 families given the opportunity to participate fully in holiday traditions
Beyond the Holidays: Year-Round Commitment to Equality

Our dedication to promoting equal opportunities extends beyond the holiday season. Throughout the year,

  1. Supports Educational Initiatives: We partner with local schools to provide resources and mentorship programs, helping to close the opportunity gap in education.
  2. Promotes Digital Literacy: By donating time and resources to digital skills training programs, we’re helping to bridge the digital divide and create more equal access to career opportunities.
  3. Encourages Employee Volunteerism: Our team members are encouraged to volunteer their skills and time to various community organizations, spreading our impact and promoting equality across different sectors.
The Approach: Equality Through Community Engagement

What sets our efforts apart is our focus on creating lasting change through community engagement. As Becca Lough, one of our team members, explains:

“At SOLVD, we don’t just focus on numbers—we focus on the people behind them. Our community work is about building relationships and understanding the unique challenges individuals face. By getting to know our community, we can better address the root causes of inequality and work towards sustainable solutions.”

Join Us in Promoting Equality

At, we believe that every business has the power to promote equality and create positive change in their communities. Our initiatives not only help those in need but also strengthen our team’s understanding of diverse perspectives and reinforce our commitment to equality in all aspects of our work.

We invite other businesses and individuals to join us in these efforts. Whether it’s through participating in Pledge 1%, organizing initiatives that promote equal opportunities, or volunteering in your local community, every action counts towards creating a more equitable society.

Together, we can build stronger, more inclusive communities where everyone has an equal chance to succeed and thrive. Let’s work towards a future where opportunities are not determined by circumstances, but by potential and passion.

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Our clients say

From my initial call with Spencer through project implementation with John and Evan, my experience with the SOLVD team was excellent. They were quick to understand our business needs, clear when explaining the reasoning behind proposed solutions, transparent when reporting on progress and timeline, and all around enjoyable to work with. Would highly recommend and looking forward to continue working with them in the future!

Veronica Wong Director of Operations at Pathstream

SOLVD was very straight forward with everything needed to complete the project. No surprises, no issues, and cost was aligned with the estimate. They made implementation easy and quick.

Matt Benzaquen Sr Manager, Sales Strategy at Instabug

As a rule, I'm pretty stingy with my recommendations. So it's a pleasure for me to recommend Solvd as a top-flight Salesforce consultancy. Solvd recently led our company's conversion to the Lightning interface and did it on time, on budget and made it easy for me and my team. I know I'll use their services again, and am confident they can do the same for you.

Tim Tuttle CFO at Relevate Health Group