SOLVD BLOG Pioneering Sustainable IT Solutions

In an era where climate change is at the forefront of global concerns, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable practices. As a leading Salesforce consultant, is not just helping organizations optimize their CRM systems; we’re also championing the cause of sustainable IT. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is woven into the fabric of our services, positioning us as a frontrunner in the green technology movement.

The Urgent Need for Sustainable IT

Recent research has revealed a startling statistic: 73% of IT leaders are concerned about the impact of climate change. This concern is well-founded, considering that enterprise technology is responsible for approximately 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions – equivalent to the total carbon emitted by the United Kingdom.

The IT sector’s carbon footprint is expected to grow significantly, with energy consumption from information and communication technologies projected to account for 14% of the world’s carbon footprint by 2040. This projection underscores the critical need for sustainable IT practices.

Recommendations for Sustainable IT Practices

 Here are our top recommendations for organizations looking to reduce their digital carbon footprint:

1. Track Carbon Emissions

To effectively reduce your carbon footprint, you first need to understand it. We recommend implementing robust tracking systems to monitor carbon emissions throughout your value chain. This should include:

  • Assessing in-house servers and associated infrastructure
  • Monitoring electricity, heating, and cooling used in server facilities
  • Tracking emissions from company-owned vehicles
  • Evaluating the impact of end-user devices in both office and remote work settings
  • Accounting for IT-related business travel

By gaining a clear picture of your digital carbon footprint, you can make informed decisions about sustainability initiatives.

2. Set and Achieve Reduction Goals

Once you have a baseline understanding of your emissions, it’s crucial to set defined reduction goals and develop actionable plans to achieve them. Consider the following strategies:

  • Partner with eco-conscious suppliers who prioritize sustainability
  • Implement automation and advanced analytics for smarter IT operations
  • Procure IT accessories made from recycled materials
  • Identify and decommission underutilized systems to reduce energy waste
  • Migrate storage to more energy-efficient alternatives, such as cloud-based solutions
  • Extend the life cycle of IT devices to reduce e-waste
  • Adopt sustainable software development practices

3. Foster a Culture of Sustainability

True change comes from within an organization. To create lasting impact, focus on fostering a culture of sustainability:

  • Incorporate sustainability goals into IT and executive performance metrics
  • Educate teams about sustainable software development practices and their importance
  • Develop “GreenOps” strategies that integrate sustainability into daily operations
  • Encourage the prolonged use of employee devices and implement effective recycling programs
  • Promote remote work options to reduce commute-related emissions
  • Organize sustainability-focused events and challenges to engage employees

4. Embrace Energy-Efficient Technologies

Invest in technologies that are designed with energy efficiency in mind:

  • Upgrade to energy-efficient servers and data center equipment
  • Implement virtualization to reduce the number of physical servers needed
  • Use power management software to optimize energy consumption
  • Invest in renewable energy sources for powering IT infrastructure
  • Adopt cloud computing solutions, which often have better energy efficiency than on-premise alternatives

5. Optimize Data Management

Data storage and processing contribute significantly to IT’s carbon footprint. Optimize your data management practices by:

  • Implementing data compression and deduplication techniques
  • Regularly archiving or deleting unnecessary data
  • Using tiered storage solutions to match data importance with energy consumption
  • Optimizing database queries and operations to reduce processing power need

The Business Case for Sustainable IT

Our commitment to sustainable IT isn’t just good for the planet – it’s good for business too. Here’s how:

  1. Cost Reduction: Sustainable practices often lead to increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: As environmental regulations become more stringent, our sustainable IT practices help clients stay ahead of compliance requirements.
  3. Brand Enhancement: Consumers are increasingly favoring businesses with strong environmental credentials.
  4. Innovation Driver: The push for sustainability often leads to innovative solutions and new business opportunities.
  5. Talent Attraction and Retention: Employees, especially younger generations, prefer working for environmentally responsible companies.

Conclusion: Leading the Charge in Sustainable IT

As we face the challenges of climate change, it’s crucial for every organization to take steps towards sustainable IT. By implementing these eco-friendly practices, we’re not just reducing carbon footprints – we’re shaping a more sustainable future for the tech industry.

The approach to sustainable IT is more than just a set of practices; it’s a reflection of an organization’s values and vision for a greener, more responsible technology sector. As we continue to innovate and adapt, we invite businesses to join us on this crucial journey towards a more sustainable future.

Together, we can harness the power of technology to drive positive change, creating a world where business success and environmental stewardship go hand in hand. At, we’re committed to being catalysts for a sustainable IT revolution, guiding organizations towards greener, more efficient technology practices.

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Our clients say

From my initial call with Spencer through project implementation with John and Evan, my experience with the SOLVD team was excellent. They were quick to understand our business needs, clear when explaining the reasoning behind proposed solutions, transparent when reporting on progress and timeline, and all around enjoyable to work with. Would highly recommend and looking forward to continue working with them in the future!

Veronica Wong Director of Operations at Pathstream

SOLVD was very straight forward with everything needed to complete the project. No surprises, no issues, and cost was aligned with the estimate. They made implementation easy and quick.

Matt Benzaquen Sr Manager, Sales Strategy at Instabug

As a rule, I'm pretty stingy with my recommendations. So it's a pleasure for me to recommend Solvd as a top-flight Salesforce consultancy. Solvd recently led our company's conversion to the Lightning interface and did it on time, on budget and made it easy for me and my team. I know I'll use their services again, and am confident they can do the same for you.

Tim Tuttle CFO at Relevate Health Group